Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Scary day!

Scott and Holly were trained how to work the insulin pump today. Things went well until around 2:30pm. The doctor prescribed a base insulin dose and a change in dose during/after a feeding. Holly changed the setting to "feeding" as prescribed but Lucy didn't take all of her feeding and Holly suspected the insulin dose would be too high. She was right, her blood sugar started to drop, fortunately we were able to wake her a little bit and she ate some more and her blood sugar started to rise, Holly also suspended the pump so she wouldn't get any more insulin. They continued to check her blood sugar several times to make sure it went up. It went up for a while but then dropped from the 80's to the 20's and she had what we think was a mild seizure. They were able to get her to eat a little more by mouth (formula and also sugar water) they also gave her dextrose through her PIC line but it took a couple of hours of no insulin and lots of sugar water to raise her blood sugar. The nurses in the PICU have not been trained on the pump so Scott and Holly have all the responsibility for her insulin.

Please pray they would find the proper dose to keep her blood sugar stable and that she would not have any adverse effects from the seizure (and that she can come home soon!).

Auntie Marie

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